Jenna Delich, a member of Britain’s University and College Union (UCU), is part of a small UCU faction favoring a boycott of Israeli institutions and individuals. The other day on the UCU activist discussion list she circulated a link concerning the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, a link that directed readers to the neo-Nazi website of David Duke. “No comment necessary. The facts are speaking for themselves,” wrote Delich.

David T of Harry’s Place noted that a supposed progressive activist from the UCU linked to a Nazi site, which is indisputably true. Delich, on the legal advice of another pro-boycott activist, has threatened a libel suit against Harry’s Internet Service Provider, and the ISP has responded by shutting down the Harry’s Place blog. Mind you, the pro-boycott activists are the first ones to cry about being silenced and intimidated by Jewish critics.
Delich’s defenders say she made “a serious error,” and that we should move on. But the great majority of people somehow manage to avoid the “error” of linking to neo-Nazi propaganda. The fact that boycott-Israel activists are prone to committing this “error” is exactly what needs to be aired and exposed. But not if the boycott activists can help it.
More from Marko.
[Update: Harry’s seems to be back up and running. Their take here.]

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