Sarah Palin cannot pronounce the names of the countries she wants to fight. She uses the term “death tax” and claims to represent small-town America. She warns that al-Qaeda continues to threaten and that Obama is “worried someone won’t read them their rights” — an astonishing thing to say after this administration has rendered, tortured and killed prisoners it has later acknowledged to be innocent. We can only conclude that Palin sees an out-of-control, above-the-law executive branch trashing international norms and basic human decency, and she heartily approves.

Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper and the rest of the pundit class are gushing over this vile speech.
P.S. — Over and over again, the Republicans belittle Obama as “style over substance,” but Palin’s candidacy, with babies as props and feisty attitude in place of arguments, represents the ultimate and absolute triumph of style over substance.

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