McCain-Palin: stoking hatred

Not unlike a wife beater, John McCain engages in despicable behavior and apologizes the next day. He feels awful, just awful about it. He has a proven track record, by his own admission, of doing the wrong thing, time and again.

When McCain loses this election we’ll probably hear him go through this ritual repentance once again. For anyone who hasn’t already, please watch these videos of McCain-Palin supporters on the campaign trail, expressing the most vile racist and xenophobic hatred toward Barack Obama, the next president of the United States. These are sentiments that John McCain and Sarah Palin have stoked and encouraged.
Nick Cohen and others have blasted liberals for supposedly failing to respect the saintly Joe Sixpacks and Hockey Moms of our land. Behold the conduct of McCain-Palin and their supporters during this campaign and tell me Cohen doesn’t have it exactly backward.
[Update: Obama dismantles the Ayers attacks in an interview with Charlie Gibson.]

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