I’m heading back to Philly in a few hours, to catch Anthony Braxton’s two shows and to canvass for Obama in the white working-class area of Tacony, right near my cruddy storage space. A strange part of town. The owner of the storage warehouse has McCain stickers plastered all over his office. So this should be interesting. At least the forecast is for sun and temperatures in the 70s.

The Braxton experience will hit me right after last night’s AACM tribute at the Kitchen, featuring chamber works by Muhal Richard Abrams, Henry Threadgill, Leroy Jenkins and Roscoe Mitchell, plus a duo piano set by Muhal and Amina Claudine Meyers. Jenkins’s full-ensemble piece “Wonderlust” was a standout. (More AACM stuff to come on Saturday night, while I’m away.)
What a rush to be back in New York — to be able to catch a show like that, then take the subway two stops and duck into Birdland to hear Dave Holland’s sextet before turning in for the night. There’s no place like home.

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