Jose Miguel Vivanco and Daniel Wilkinson of Human Rights Watch write about their experience being thrown out of Venezuela for the crime of criticizing the Chávez government. Here’s one lovely detail:

[A] close Chávez ally in the legislature suggested on national TV that the two of us had been sharing a single hotel room where we were indulging our “weaknesses.”
Here’s another:

In the more than twenty years that Human Rights Watch has worked in Latin America, no government has ever expelled our representatives for our work, not even the right-wing dictatorships guilty of far more egregious abuses than those committed by Chávez.

As I’ve stated before, Chávez remains a hero to many on the idiot fringes of the left, including Sean Penn, who has just paid the thug a second visit. Addressing Ralph Nader supporters earlier this year, Penn insisted that we “hold politicians’ asses to the fire.” But apparently this applies only to American politicians. When it comes to Hugo Chávez’s ass, Penn would rather plant a gentle kiss.

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