John McCain has compared Rashid Khalidi, the Palestinian scholar, Columbia University professor and Obama acquaintance, to a neo-Nazi. A new low, even in this, one of the lowest campaigns in presidential history.

In the aftermath of 9/11 Khalidi appeared as one of a number of guests on Newshour to discuss the origins of al-Qaeda. McCain should denounce Jim Lehrer for inviting him.
About three years ago I saw Khalidi speak at NYU in a dialogue with Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, a fellow scholar and an ardent liberal Zionist. The two disagreed on plenty but were on warm, cordial terms. McCain should denounce Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg.
[Update: Here is Khalidi in a long discussion with Charlie Rose. McCain should denounce Charlie Rose.]
Josh Marshall gets it right:
Khalidi is in this new McCain set piece for one reason — as a generic Arab, to spur the idea that Obama is foreign, friendly with terrorists and possibly Muslim.
Precisely. It’s fuel for the bigots we’ve seen on countless YouTubes, showing up at McCain-Palin rallies and in fact carrying on like neo-Nazis.
Look in the mirror, Senator McCain. And on November 5, reflect long and hard on the damage you’ve wrought in your pursuit of power.
More here. And from Juan Cole here.

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