

Moby Dick

Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquerable whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. — Captain Ahab Thanks to long stretches spent once again on New York’s subways, I’m able to take on projects like Melville’s 1851 masterpiece, which I’d never

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Mumbai fallout

Having recently reviewed the work of Amitav Ghosh for Democratiya, I find myself haunted once again by this passage: The thickening crust of our awareness is both a sign and a reminder of our unwitting complicity in the evolution of violence: if that which mesmerized us yesterday ceases to interest us today, then it follows that the act which will

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This Thanksgiving eve we should send thoughts and prayers to the city of Mumbai (Bombay), which has just been subjected to a savage multi-site terrorist attack. Some people’s idea of bravery includes attacking a hospital for women and children. Patients are being held hostage as I write this. [Update: Stratfor weighs in on the possible geopolitical fallout. Grim, grim, grim.]


Penn sucks up again

There’s little I can say about Sean Penn’s fluff “interview” with Hugo Chávez and Raúl Castro that Marc Cooper hasn’t said. Some have suggested that I tend to overstate the influence of actor-activists like Penn. If anything, I’ve understated it. Penn’s “journalism” is now being published on the cover of The Nation, right at the moment when audiences are swooning

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Nicaragua’s glass house

Just a note on the ironic timing. UN General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann of Nicaragua issued his call for a boycott of Israel — and his antisemitic charge that Palestinians are being “crucified” — just as the NY Times and Marc Cooper report on the increasing authoritarianism and corruption of the neo-Sandinista regime of Daniel Ortega.


Muddying the Zimbabwe issue

[Cross-posted at Z Word.] It’s a good thing that Jimmy Carter is pressing the case for help to the Zimbabwean population. But following the Mugabe regime’s politicized denial of a visa to Carter and his group, the former president’s statements have a weirdly passive ring — in stark contrast, one might point out, to his unequivocal denunciations of the Israeli

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Top Ten of 2008

My ballot — with snazzy cover art this year — is now up at the website of the Jazz Journalists Association. More year-in-review posts to follow soon.


“I don’t blow. I suck.”

Seemed appropriate to post this as somehow related to the discussion Darcy kicked off here. [Hat tip Phil DiPietro.]