

Philly bound

I’m heading back to Philly in a few hours, to catch Anthony Braxton’s two shows and to canvass for Obama in the white working-class area of Tacony, right near my cruddy storage space. A strange part of town. The owner of the storage warehouse has McCain stickers plastered all over his office. So this should be interesting. At least the

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McCain-Palin: stoking hatred

Not unlike a wife beater, John McCain engages in despicable behavior and apologizes the next day. He feels awful, just awful about it. He has a proven track record, by his own admission, of doing the wrong thing, time and again. When McCain loses this election we’ll probably hear him go through this ritual repentance once again. For anyone who

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Ayers PS

Inevitably, a “Support Bill Ayers” website has sprung up, with over a thousand academics signing on to a statement that Ayers “participated passionately in the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s, as did hundreds of thousands of Americans.” Matt Yglesias and Michael Tomasky strenuously object, and good for them. As I’ve already argued, Ayers and his comrades did

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Scapegoating the black and poor

Daniel Gross explodes the right’s endlessly repeated notion that making loans more accessible to minorities, through liberal initiatives such as the Community Reinvestment Act, is the root cause of the current meltdown: I await the Krauthammer column in which he points out the specific provision of the Community Reinvestment Act that forced Bear Stearns to run with an absurd leverage

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On Anthony Braxton

My pre-concert profile of Anthony Braxton is online at Philadelphia Weekly.


Who’s the real John McCain?

George Packer: The problem with a campaign based on relentless message discipline, repeated falsehoods, and the habitual perversion of language is that none of it stops after election day. You can’t be indifferent to truth for months on end and then suddenly return to straight talk. If McCain should win, Steve Schmidt won’t be in charge of the new Administration,

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The week on disc (28)

In case you missed the last one… Mark O’Leary, Ellipses (FMR) Michael Bates, Clockwise (Greenleaf) Joe Lovano, Symphonica (Blue Note) Michael Felberbaum, Sweetsalt (Fresh Sound New Talent, 2006) Richard Boulger, Blues Twilight (B-1) Dave Holland Sextet, Pass It On (Dare 2/EmArcy)


Two pieces

I’m fiddling around with this new scanner and finally able to get these two things online: first a festival brochure piece [pdf] on Guillermo Klein and Los Guachos; and second, a travel column [also pdf] for Jazziz magazine on Philadelphia jazz.