

Return to Forever PS

The show in Philly was … wow, loud. It all comes down to Chick Corea. His playing was phenomenal, across all keyboards. The harmonic subtlety of that music is thanks largely to him. There were a couple too many moments of simultaneous bass-and-guitar shredding — good for getting peoples’ fists in the air but not very deep. Yet there were also times

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The week on disc (23)

In case you missed the last one… Noah Preminger, Dry Bridge Road (Nowt) Gaetano Partipilo, The Right Place (EmArcy/Universal) Larry Willis, The Offering (HighNote) Arrive, Live at Elastic (Singlespeed) Brad Mehldau Trio, Live (Nonesuch) Bill O’Connell, Triple Play (Savant)


Readers respond

In the September ’08 Jazz Times, there are two letters in response to my column on jazz and politics (pdf here). Both focus on my unsurprising and by now barely controversial endorsement of Barack Obama. The first letter is a classic: Regarding David R. Adler’s recent Solo guest column: Although most jazz devotees may reside on the left, there are

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On the Yohimbe Brothers

My review of the Yohimbe Brothers (Vernon Reid/DJ Logic) at the North Star Bar, in today’s Inquirer.


Race card?

Sullivan points to this Jed Lewison post on the Obama “dollar bill” remark and McCain’s “race card” accusation. Guess who raised the specter of Obama’s mug replacing Ben Franklin’s on the C-note? McCain, in late June.


“Forever Is Here”

My take on the Return to Forever reunion and the legacy of fusion, the lead story in Arts & Entertainment, today’s Inquirer.


Blasted from all sides

As you probably know already, protesters disrupted an Obama speech in Florida and held up a banner saying, “What about the black community, Obama?” Marc Ambinder reports the meat of the exchange here. The thing to note about these protesters is that they do not represent the black community — they represent the Uhuru Movement. Their banner sporting this URL

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Six Picks: August 2008

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, August 2008: Jamie Baum Septet, Solace (Sunnyside) Bill Dixon, 17 Musicians in Search of a Sound: Darfur (Aum Fidelity) Jimmy Greene, The Overcomer’s Suite (Nujazz) Anne Mette Iversen, Best of the West/Many Places (BJU) Andy Middleton, The European Quartet Live (Q-rious Music) Jeremy Pelt, November (MaxJazz)