

The Israel-Syria talks

My good friend Yigal Schleifer of the Christian Science Monitor on the lead-up to the current Israel-Syria negotiations in Turkey.


From Cali to Gambia

The welcome news from California on marriage equality has generated lots of reactions, so I thought I’d note something quite in the other direction: this headline, via Brett at Harry’s Place — “President plans to kill off every single homosexual.” That’d be President Yahya Jammeh of Gambia, the tiny sliver of a country that bisects Senegal. In preparing for my

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Murder by inaction

It is to the Chinese government’s credit that it is acting aggressively in response to the Sichuan earthquake, a tragedy beyond comprehension. But this shouldn’t obscure the destructive role China continues to play in the unfolding Burma crisis. Discussing the aftermath of Cyclone Nagris on the NewsHour the other night, Chinese ambassador Zhou Wenzhong told Margaret Warner: I think we

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McCain: appeaser?

John McCain was for negotiating with Hamas before he was against it. (Via.) On that note, David Brooks has an interesting column about Obama on Hezbollah. He starts out skeptical, even hostile, then presses Obama further and gets a remarkably nuanced set of answers on the Lebanon crisis. Obama is striking exactly the right balance: No to Bush’s cowboy diplomacy,

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The week on disc (18)

In case you missed the last one… Ellis Marsalis, An Open Letter to Thelonious (ELM) Francisco Pais Quintet, School of Enlightenment (Product of Imagination) Bill McHenry Quintet, Sonic Pressure (Fresh Sound New Talent) Yitzhak Yedid, Oud Bass Piano Trio (Between the Lines) Enrico Pieranunzi, As Never Before (Cam Jazz) The Roots, Rising Down (Def Jam)


On Michael Pedicin

My review of saxophonist Michael Pedicin and his quintet, in today’s Inquirer.


Quote for the day

We’re giving the people of Zimbabwe another opportunity to mend their ways, to vote properly. This is their last chance.  — A member of Zimbabwe’s ruling party politburo, on the upcoming runoff “election” [Via.]


Burma’s nightmare is raising awareness and soliciting donations on behalf of victims of the cyclone in Burma. Thousands of lives might have been saved had Burma’s repulsive military government, um, shared the news that a cyclone was coming. This makes the Bush administration’s Katrina response look like a model of caring leadership. The Burmese junta is all crisp efficiency when it

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