

Saddam postscript

In my posts here and here, I took issue with the increasingly popular notion that Saddam Hussein, to coin a phrase, was a uniter not a divider — i.e., that his brutal repression was the only thing that could hold Iraq’s volatile opposing sects together. In this piece for openDemocracy, the Kurdish writer Dlawer Ala’Aldeen rebuts the argument far more

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The Ritscher suicide

Malachi Ritscher, a denizen of Chicago’s avant-garde jazz scene, committed suicide by self-immolation on November 3. In this suicide note he explained that his intention was to protest the Iraq war. Peter Margasak’s Nov. 7 blog report is worth reading; so is this lengthier comment by Nitsuh Abebe of Pitchfork Media. Many of the comments that follow Margasak’s post take

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“Only liberty”

David Cox’s distasteful “tribute” (yes, tribute) to Saddam Hussein is not without a kernel of truth: that life for the average Iraqi is in fact more dangerous today than it was under the dictatorship, and that Bush’s war has created more problems than it has solved (to say nothing of the injustice it has entailed). But Cox’s cavalier account of

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Sweet victory

The results are superb. After Bush won in 2004 he declared: “I earned capital in the campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it. It is my style.” How ’bout now, George? You’re flat broke. The South Dakota abortion ban failed. The Senate still hangs by a thread. Still, even if the Dems remain a minority, they’ll have

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The verdict(s)

America is voting. I am not someone who prays, but if there is anything that could make me do so, it is the tantalizing prospect of both houses of Congress going to the Democrats. We shall see. The Republicans’ disgraceful conduct in office has been bad enough. Their behavior during this campaign makes abundantly clear that they have no honor

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A concert review

Pianist Marilyn Crispell played a concert at Miller Theatre on October 21. She was joined by tenor saxist Joe Lovano, bassist Mark Helias and drummer Paul Motian. My review is now online.


Six Picks: November 2006

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, November 2006:Gil Goldstein, Under Rousseau’s Moon (Half Note) Mark Helias and Open Loose, Atomic Clock (Radio Legs) Hugh Marsh, Hugmars (Cool Papa Records) Luis Perdomo, Awareness (RKM)Michele Rosewoman, The In Side Out (Advance Dance Discs) John Taylor, Angel of the Presence (Cam Jazz)


CD reviews

My review of the Pat Metheny/Brad Mehldau duo CD appears in the November issue of Jazz Times, now on the newsstands. It’s online as well. I also wanted to take this moment to acknowledge the passing of Moacir Santos, genius of modern Brazilian music and jazz. He passed away in August at the age of 80. I had the privilege

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