

Pat Robertson’s battle

I’m late in posting this, but post it I must. Pat Robertson, sorry, God, has it in for Dover, PA voters who yanked anti-evolution school board members from office — a crystal clear rejection of the intelligent design “controversy” that’s been foisted on their community by oustide Christianist agitators. (Read my earler post here.) You’ve already seen it, but let’s

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On a lighter note…

Odds and ends from my CD player: Angie Stone, Stone Love (J Records): Especially the single “Lovers’ Ghetto,” with a sample of Dynasty’s “Adventures in the Land of Music.” Great production. Stone is refreshingly free of the hyper-acrobatic singing that plagues a lot of today’s R&B. Yellowjackets, self-titled (Rhino reissue): New liner notes by my colleague Bill Milkowski. Four unearthed

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The Jews knew? Again?

I guess we should resign ourselves to a seeing a variation of this lie after every single Al Qaeda attack. Post-Jordan bombing, a friend alerts me to a dispatch from Haaretz, of all places: Israelis evacuated from Amman hotel hours before bombingsBy Yoav Stern, Haaretz CorrespondentA number of Israelis staying on Wednesday at the Radisson hotel were evacuated before the

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Meanwhile, inside the beltway…

Via Michael Crowley at TNR’s “The Plank,” a story from The Hill about the 15 Democrats who broke party ranks to support the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA): Business interests are making good on their promise to reward 15 House Democrats who bucked their party’s leadership in July and backed [CAFTA].In the three months since CAFTA passed the House

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The National Lawyers Guild has put forth an “Emergency Resolution Condemning Zionism as a Form of Racism.” “Smells like A.N.S.W.E.R.”, a friend says.


A correction

On my old and abandoned blog, I had quoted Arundhati Roy as follows: The Iraqi resistance is fighting on the frontlines of the battle against Empire. And therefore that battle is our battle…. Terrorism. Armed struggle. Insurgency. Call it what you want. One of my respondents notes, rightly, that the material following the ellipsis is not contiguous in Roy’s original

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A word on Cuba

Pursuant to this piece of mine for The New Republic about the “Hands Off Assata” campaign, which is run by pro-Castro fanatics, here is an important Doug Ireland post. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) protested a Paris visit by Castro’s foreign minister Felipe Pérez Roque this past October. Ireland lends his support to RSF and attracts vicious replies in his comments

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The French riots

[Updated] Here is a meticulous, historically informed post on the French riots by Doug Ireland, who rips up the rightist Sarkozy but also Tariq Ramadan. Money quote, about Sarkozy’s vow to “Karcherise” the Arab ghettoes: “Karcher” is the well-known brand name of a system of cleaning surfaces by super-high-pressure sand-blasting or water-blasting that very violently peels away the outer skin

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