

Victory to the protesters

Anastasia has it right — “It seems very weird and off, somehow, to be writing about the arts of the Muslim world (or anything else, for that matter) instead of what is going on Iran right this minute.” Check Andrew Sullivan, Nico Pitney, The Lede and many others for ceaseless, awe-inspiring updates. Just thought I’d note that Glenn Greenwald is

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On Dave Douglas

My preview of Dave Douglas & Brass Ecstasy (Jazz Standard, June 18-21), in the current Time Out New York.


And the winner is…

Howard Mandel’s Jazz Beyond Jazz, Blog of the Year, 2009 Jazz Awards. Congratulations, pres! Complete slate of winners.


Twitter guide

Via Anastasia, a “cyberwar” guide — Twitter do’s and don’ts to follow when supporting the Iranian protesters from abroad. I don’t Twitter, so most of this is completely, um, foreign to me, but you can really see how solidarity is being reinvented and globalized … my favorite: Help cover the bloggers: change your twitter settings so that your location is

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Jazz Awards

Reminder: The JJA Jazz Awards are tomorrow. I’m up for Blog of the Year (thank you colleagues, readers). Incidentally, the Marsalises and Michelle Obama held a big jazz summit at the White House today. My colleague John Murph was there and should have a report up soon. Thought I’d link again to my recent Z Word piece on jazz and

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Yeah, I’m bothered by gentrification and all, but I agree with Jody Rosen: The glorification of crime-ridden ’70s New York has gotten out of hand. Rosen slaps James Wolcott: Evoking the possibility of a “second go-round of the 70s” this time with “those spiky glass buildings that have gone up in recent years … reflecting our own overreaching folly back

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Chavez’s loyalties

In case it’s still not clear to Sean Penn and his fellow far-left cultists that Hugo Chavez is a foe of democracy and an ally of police-state thugs the world over: The man has now offered his congratulations to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and railed against those who would “besmirch” his “great victory.”


The Gig

My good friend Nate Chinen has launched a new blog — a replacement of sorts for his now-defunct Jazz Times column. Must-read stuff there already, including an introductory post and some behind-the-scenes musings on his recent NYT Grizzly Bear feature.