

The torture chronicles

As usual, Andrew Sullivan remains one of the best sources for facts on, and outrage against, the deplorable torture policies of the previous administration. While I want to see accountability for war crimes as much as anyone, I can certainly understand why President Obama is picking his battles very carefully right now. Releasing those critical, unredacted torture memos required a big

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Holdsworth in 1984

Bear with the bad lighting at the start of this video. One of his finest compositions, and performances. Every single-note passage is completely demonic. He inspires me still; thought I’d share.


The week on disc (41)

In case you missed the last one… Gypsy Schaeffer, New Album (PeaceTime) Jay Epstein (with Anthony Cox & Bill Carrothers), Long Ago (Igmod) Sean Jones, The Search Within (Mack Avenue) Paul Dunmall Sun Quartet, Ancient and Future Airs (Clean Feed) Scott Reeves Quintet, Shape Shifter: Live at Cecil’s (Miles High) Miles Okazaki, Generations (Sunnyside)


On Jeremy Pelt/Curtis Hasselbring

My previews of Jeremy Pelt (Philadelphia Museum of Art, Apr. 17) and Curtis Hasselbring’s The New Mellow Edwards (The Rotunda, Apr. 16), in the current Philadelphia Weekly.


“Manda huevos”

As they say in Spanish. What balls. Fidel Castro is not satisfied with President Obama’s steps to relax the Cuban embargo. Apparently the U.S. needs to live up to Castro’s high ethical standards: Castro responded to the measures in an online column Monday night, writing that the U.S. had announced the repeal of ”several hateful restrictions,” but had stopped short

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Quote of the day

“But to look back from the stony plain along the road which led one to that place is not at all the same thing as walking on the road; the perspective, to say the very least, changes only with the journey; only when the road has, all abruptly and treacherously, and with an absoluteness that permits no argument, turned or

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Coates on Castro

“Dude, he’s a dictator.” That’s Ta-Nehisi Coates’s refreshingly simple takedown of Representative Bobby Rush, who has expressed the highest regard for Fidel Castro after a trip to Cuba. Rush has long availed himself of the right to participate in democratic elections in the United States. Yet he has no problem heaping praise on a man who has denied Cubans the

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New York @ Night: April 2009

This month in All About Jazz-New York, reviews of Edward Simon at the Vanguard and the SFJazz Collective at the Allen Room.