

Afghanistan carnage

If it’s true that horrific terrorist attacks are the inevitable and understandable result of violence perpetrated by the U.S. and its allies against Muslims, then someone needs to reconcile that with events like these: A huge bomb detonated in the center of the southern Afghan city of Kandahar on Tuesday night, flattening a two-story building and destroying 20 homes in

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Scahill’s million

On June 6, Jeremy Scahill appeared on Real Time With Bill Maher and stated that a million Iraqi civilians have been killed in Iraq. Maher was correct to greet the figure with skepticism. Scahill based his remarks on a much-discussed Johns Hopkins study published in The Lancet in 2006. The methodology of the study was promptly discredited by Iraq Body

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Beg your pardon?

The Taliban has issued a statement calling on President-elect Obama to “observe the norms of human rights.”


On Message: Afghanistan

As I’ve remarked twice, the McCain-Palin camp has launched specious attacks on Obama for allegedly impugning American troops in Afghanistan, when Obama was in fact calling for increased American troops in Afghanistan. Palin went so far as to call Obama’s comments on civilian casualties “untrue.” So it’s interesting to read John Burns’s account of Afghan war policy in today’s NY

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