Human Rights



Some days ago, before the bloodshed, Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett penned a piece headlined “Ahmadinejad Won. Get Over It.” They wanted to assure us that a 62.6% victory for Ahmadinejad really wasn’t at all far-fetched. Well, now Iran’s own election authorities have conceded that there were widespread voting irregularities in 50 cities. Mind you, this is what the officials

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People are being murdered in the streets and chaos is breaking out all over Iran. Andrew Sullivan has continuous updates and video, some of it extremely disturbing, some of it equally inspiring. There’s one clip of protesters managing to relieve the the riot police of their batons. Victory to these brave souls. [Also visit The Lede, Nico Pitney.]


64 for Aung San Suu Kyi

Events around the world to mark her 64th birthday on June 19. Including this event at the UN on Saturday, 1-4 p.m. Submit your 64 words of support here. — BURMESE REFUGEES AND HUMAN RIGHTS SUPPORTERS IN NEW YORK CELEBRATE BURMA DEMOCRACY LEADER’S BIRTHDAY… Refugees, exiles, and Human Rights supporters from the Southeast Asian country of Burma will host a

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“My silence is more powerful than your club”

A slogan surfacing in Tehran, today. Witness the awesome power of nonviolent — silent — resistance. (Via Pitney.)


Victory to the protesters

Anastasia has it right — “It seems very weird and off, somehow, to be writing about the arts of the Muslim world (or anything else, for that matter) instead of what is going on Iran right this minute.” Check Andrew Sullivan, Nico Pitney, The Lede and many others for ceaseless, awe-inspiring updates. Just thought I’d note that Glenn Greenwald is

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Twitter guide

Via Anastasia, a “cyberwar” guide — Twitter do’s and don’ts to follow when supporting the Iranian protesters from abroad. I don’t Twitter, so most of this is completely, um, foreign to me, but you can really see how solidarity is being reinvented and globalized … my favorite: Help cover the bloggers: change your twitter settings so that your location is

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Free Laura Ling & Euna Lee

These two brave American journalists have received a sentence of 12 years in a North Korean concentration camp, for the crime of journalism. This is not properly spoken of as a legal proceeding, as a trial and a sentencing. It is quite simply a kidnapping.


Cheney: Supreme Court deliberations support terror

Not in so many words. But reading Jeffrey Toobin’s New Yorker piece on Chief Justice Roberts, I paused after this: Last year, Roberts dissented from Kennedy’s opinion for a five-to-four Court in Boumediene v. Bush, which held that the Military Commissions Act of 2006 violated the rights of Guantanamo detainees. And then I thought of this remarkable statement from Dick

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