

CD reviews

My review of the Pat Metheny/Brad Mehldau duo CD appears in the November issue of Jazz Times, now on the newsstands. It’s online as well. I also wanted to take this moment to acknowledge the passing of Moacir Santos, genius of modern Brazilian music and jazz. He passed away in August at the age of 80. I had the privilege

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Shostakovich at 100

Yesterday I had the thrill of attending a Shostakovich matinee at Avery Fisher Hall. Valery Gergiev conducted the Kirov Orchestra, straight outta St. Petersburg, in a performance of the 8th and 13th symphonies. This was the final concert in Gergiev’s 2006 series: all 15 symphonies in the 100th birth year of the great, unknowable Dmitry Shostakovich (1906-1975). Gergiev conducted without

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Dylan on Broadway?

Jody Rosen of Slate has the word on Twyla Tharp’s stage musical inspired by the music of Bob Dylan. It ain’t pretty. It’s hilarious, in fact: Sure, Dylan composed “Mr. Tambourine Man.” But to turn that modest folk-rock reverie into a three-dimensional dream-vision, with a singer seated on a neon-lighted sickle moon suspended 20 feet above a stage where dancers

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Sounds to cherish 5

Another in an occasional series… Paul Pieper, Stories of Before (Bright Orange)A strong guitar player from Maryland. He placed second in the 1995 Monk competition. I first heard him on the Relax CD, by 79-year-old tenor saxist Buck Hill (who is apparently a mail carrier by day). After hearing Pieper’s adept, snaky lines I felt I had to investigate. My

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Jazz treason

I’ve received an email from the brilliant trumpeter John McNeil, advertising a regular gig with the equally brilliant tenor saxophonist Bill McHenry. At the bottom is this wonderful critical plaudit: “Their treasonous use of pentatonics speaks volumes about their hatred of America. These guys are traitors, pure and simple.” — Ann Coulter Took the words right out of my mouth.

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Weather Report review

I have a review of the new Weather Report box, Forecast: Tomorrow, in the October Jazz Times. It’s online as well. Also, I apologize for the lack of posts. I’m writing a long piece for the next issue of Democratiya, which will appear on December 1.


Six Picks: October 2006

My monthly list of recommended CDs, as published in All About Jazz-New York, October 2006: David Binney, Out of Airplanes (Mythology) Nels Cline, New Monastery (Cryptogramophone) John Hollenbeck, Joys & Desires (Intuition) Keith Jarrett, The Carnegie Hall Concert (ECM) Rudresh Mahanthappa, Code Book (Pi Recordings) Florian Weber/Jeff Denson/Ziv Ravitz, Minsarah (Enja/Justin Time)


A new article

I have a piece [pdf] in the Jazz Times Education Supplement 2006/2007, on the topic of artist-developed education and outreach programs.