

He’s back

Mark Turner is in excellent form, and blessedly soon after his gruesome accident. Tonight (last night) he played Cachaca with monster guitarist Gilad Hekselman (Joe Martin on bass, Marcus Gilmore drums). If anything Mark sounds hungrier and more technically together than I recall. Gilad’s tunes were resonant, beautiful; “Autumn in New York” had a brilliant tenor cadenza to end it;

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On Sumi Tonooka

My preview of pianist Sumi Tonooka (tonight, Bargemusic) in the current Time Out New York. Also, the following review appears in the February 2009 edition of All About Jazz-New York. — Sumi Tonooka Trio, Long Ago Today (ARC) David R. Adler Players as acclaimed as Uri Caine speak highly of their fellow Philadelphian, pianist Sumi Tonooka, who deserves a far wider

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Mos Def unplugged

Via a Facebook friend.


On White Rocket

My preview of White Rocket (Jacob Wick/Greg Felton/Sean Carpio) at Gojjo, in the current Philadelphia Weekly.


The week on disc (37)

In case you missed the last one… Gerry Hemingway & Thomas Lehn, Tom & Gerry: Kinetics (Auricle) Tom Warrington Trio, The Mountain (Jazz Compass) John O’Gallagher Trio, Dirty Hands (Clean Feed) Alex Cline, Continuation (Cryptogramophone) Gerald Cleaver/William Parker/Craig Taborn, Farmers By Nature (Aum Fidelity) The October Trio + Brad Turner, Looks Like It’s Going to Snow (Songlines)


A horror

Alison Des Forges, Africa specialist with Human Rights Watch, was among those lost on the plane that went down outside Buffalo. She was 66. Her work was heroic, her death a calamity not only for her family but for the worldwide human rights community. [HRW’s tribute here.] I’ve also just received notice that Gerry Niewood, veteran saxophonist, is among the

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On Felipe Salles/MOPDTK

My previews of Felipe Salles and Mostly Other People Do the Killing, in the current Philadelphia Weekly.


On Gary Peacock

This review appears in the February 2009 print edition issue of All About Jazz-New York. — Keith Jarrett/Gary Peacock/Jack DeJohnette, Live In Japan 93/96 (ECM DVD)Bill Carrothers, Home Row (Pirouet)Lowell Davidson, Trio (ESP-Disk) David R. Adler The bass is something like the spinal column of a jazz ensemble, where rhythm and harmony are made to cohere. For over 40 years,

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