

Art in Philly

Good report from Randy Kennedy in the NYT: There is a particularly Philadelphian brand of hardy, low-budget, do-it-yourself, do-it-for-love creativeness evident in art and art spaces across the city. Yes, I loved it so. And on that note, I’m sorry to see Sci Fi Philly, the hardy, low-budget avant-jazz series, closing up shop with a blowout show on October 4.

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Philadelphia haps, cont’d.

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Knu Gmoon Wed., Aug. 26, 8-11pm. $12. Chris’ Jazz Café, 1421 Sansom St. 215.568.3131 Noah Jarrett happens to be the son of legendary pianist Keith Jarrett, but in Brooklyn he’s one of the cats, a compelling bassist and composer in the trenches, steering through the labyrinth of modern jazz on terms of his own

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Philadelphia haps cont’d.

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Avant Ascension Wed., Aug. 19, 9pm-2am. $5. Tritone, 1508 South St. 215.545.0475 How time flies! It’s been a year since Avant Ascension, one of Philly’s bootstraps, artist-run jazz series, got off the ground at Tritone. Hosted by two young colleagues from Bobby Zankel’s big band Warriors of the Wonderful Sound — trombonist Larry Toft

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On Mike Lorenz

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Mike Lorenz QuartetSun., Aug. 16, 8:30pm. $5. Gojjo, 4540 Baltimore Ave. 215.238.1236 Guitarist Mike Lorenz operates out of the Lehigh Valley and mixes it up regularly in Philly, bringing a focused and fluent vocabulary to music of original construction. Working within the melodically edgy orbit of such role models as Ben Monder and Kurt

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On Jazz Rehab

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Jazz RehabSun., July 26, 8:30pm. $5. Gojjo, 4540 Baltimore Ave. 215.238.1236 Making their way south from Burlington, Vermont, Jazz Rehab offers detox and therapy in the form of sharp-witted electro-acoustic jazz. These young lads — saxophonist Andy Allen, guitarist Matt Jalbert, keyboardist Peter Krag, bassist Ian Kovac, drummer Peter Negroponte — have a way

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Philadelphia haps cont’d.

In this week’s Philadelphia Weekly: Michael SzekelySun., July 19, 8:30pm. $5. With Mike Lorenz, Scott Verrastro & Anthony Pirog, George Korein & The Spleen. Gojjo, 4540 Baltimore Ave. 215.238.1236 Drummer Mike Szekely belongs to an ambitious new generation of Philly players, who make their homes in free jazz but tend to branch out with ease and authority. An alum

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Philadelphia haps cont’d.

In the current Philadelphia Weekly: Edgar Bateman-Julian Pressley DuoFri., July 10, 9pm. $10. With Yolanda Wisher & Mark Palacio. Moonstone Arts Center, 110 S. 13th St. 215.735.9600 Philly has its historic jazz titans, but let’s not forget workhorses like drummer Edgar Bateman and saxophonist Julian Pressley, who still exert a subterranean influence, setting an example for every questing young

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R.I.P. Steven Wells

My Philadelphia Weekly colleague Steven Wells has succumbed to cancer. His final column is here. I met him only once, when I stopped by PW’s offices and chatted about my “A-list” pitch on a Kimmel Center speaking engagement by Salman Rushdie. “So, what’s your take on Rushdie?” he asked, and before I could form two sentences, Steven gave me his

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