The Left


Democracy Now! is a joke

Sorry, my lefty friends, but it’s true. I said it in June of last year, here and here, when I remarked on Amy Goodman’s failure to challenge Arundhati Roy on her professed support for India’s Maoist (Naxalite) insurgents. The Naxalites have a documented policy of harassing community radio activists — i.e., Goodman’s Indian counterparts, the very people you’d expect her

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“We answer to the name of liberals”

Bruce Ackerman and Todd Gitlin have written a new manifesto for those unashamed of the word “liberal.” It appears in the November print edition of the American Prospect, and it’s online as well. It reflects my current thinking more closely than the Euston Manifesto, the UK version of which I signed earlier this year. Below is the Ackerman-Gitlin text in

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“Necessary killing”

WBAI 99.5 FM, New York’s left-wing radio station, is holding a fundraiser at the Brecht Forum on October 4. The event will feature “Britain’s foremost radical philosopher,” Ted Honderich, who will speak about “Right and Wrong: The Ethics of Terrorism.” Here is a brief indication of Honderich’s grasp of right and wrong: I myself have no serious doubt, to take

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WW4 Report vs. Project Censored

Here is word of an interesting intramural battle between my fellow bloggers at WW4 Report and one of their former writers, Keith Harmon Snow, who recently won an award from Project Censored. Snow lashes out at his former editors; he’s also taken to putting the words “Rwandan Genocide” in scare quotes. I’m glad WW4 Report is rid of this person,

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