

More fog

Cian in the comments asks: Does this principle of civilian immunity only apply to Israelis, then? Not only has Israel has killed far more civilians in Lebannon, but their response to the military kidnap of a soldier was to bomb civillians. Or do you think that all Lebanese civilians are somehow not civilians? Really amazing — in the posts of

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Fog of war commentary

Unsurprisingly, Marc Cooper is taking heat for condemning Hezbollah. “Angry Arab” apparently has no problem with Hez launching rockets indiscriminately at Israeli cities, in flagrant violation of the principle of civilian immunity. Again, the very existence of an armed Hez violates a standing UN resolution. Even more amazingly, people are attacking Marc for lacking the “courage” to criticize Israel. The

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Chomsky PS

Since I’ve commented on Chomsky’s May 2006 meet-and-greet with Hezbollah, I should link to this Amy Goodman interview on Democracy Now! To his credit, Chomsky calls the Hezbollah incursion “a very irresponsible act.” Of course, Goodman doesn’t ask him about his professed support for Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in clear violation of UN Resolution 1559. Lots of talk, however,

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Jazz & Bach: A reply to Norm

Norm Geras asks: It struck me that of the great composers, J.S. Bach is closest to the spirit of jazz. I don’t know enough about the technical side of music, or music theory, to be able to say why it strikes me so. That’s just how it sounds. Bach as forbear of John Coltrane? Can anyone explain? Oh yes —

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Today in world meltdown

It seems every Jewish organization in America is lining up in support of Israel’s bombardment of Lebanon; so are the Christian fundies. I’ve argued that blaming the Lebanese gov’t for the Hezbollah incursion is crazy, and it bears repeating. I’m grateful to Marc Cooper for linking to yesterday’s post, and I echo his assessment: The current Lebanese government is a

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Mideast war?

Events are unfolding rapidly. Not sure where to begin, but I think Jonathan Edelstein’s comments are useful. Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza is deplorable. The attempted killing of Hamas’s Muhammad Deif resulted in the deaths of innocent children, much like the 2002 killing of Salah Shehada. Johann Hari alleges that Israel is pummeling Gaza not to rescue Gilad

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Sounds to cherish 2

Another in an occasional series… Bill Evans, Quintessence (Fantasy/Original Jazz Classics)An early ’90s reissue of a May 1976 session. The pianist, four years prior to his death, leads a quintet with Harold Land on tenor sax, Kenny Burrell on guitar, Ray Brown on bass and Philly Joe Jones on drums — leading off with a Kenny Wheeler tune, of all

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A case against Erlewine

The critic Stephen Thomas Erlewine has penned “A Case Against Sufjan Stevens” at the All Music Guide website. It’s a glib, egotistical, clueless piece of writing, the sort of stuff that gives music critics a bad name. Before I continue, I’ll disclose that I wrote reviews for AMG for about three years, until late 2002, when Erlewine let me go,

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