

A “technicality”

“I certainly hope that, if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn’t indict on the crime and so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.”–Senator

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Kinsley on “Plamegate”

I have nothing at all to add. (Hat tip: Sullivan.)


What’s in a name…

A friend writes: I was just going to mention something about your blog, and so I figured I’d find out what “lerter” meant because it sounds like some kind of something. I put it into Google and nothing much doing. Then I went to the language tools to try translating it. I thought maybe it’s German, since it sounds kind

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Much has been said about this grim milestone: 2,000 U.S. forces dead in Iraq. Much has also been said about the Bushies’ innumerable lies and blunders. Andres Kupfer, in the comments to this earlier post of mine, holds that these Americans did not die in vain, and he makes just about the only reasonable case left: …my take on this

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Appeasement on Darfur

Eric Reeves, by far the most diligent reporter on the Darfur genocide, paints a grim picture of U.S. appeasement in TNR (subscription required, but try it; some TNR pieces get through for a short time). It’s just unbelievable: Another sign of appeasement came in July, when the Washington firm C/R International, whose managing director is former State Department official Robert

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“Wiped off the map”

Staunch opponents of the Israeli occupation and advocates for Palestinian rights–I include myself in both categories–are right to critique the Israeli government when it cynically invokes anti-Semitism and security threats for political cover. But this doesn’t mean the threats aren’t real. They are. And anti-Semitism continues to be a huge problem in the Middle East. Here is a post from

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Gorgeous George goes down?

The blogs are abuzz with word of new Oil-for-Food evidence against Galloway. This London Times piece–and this–offer the best synopsis. **Update: Hitchens twists the knife over at Slate.


“Torturer in chief”

It takes a brave conservative to wave around a report from the ACLU, but that is what Andrew Sullivan is doing. The details are chilling: The documents released today include 44 autopsies and death reports as well as a summary of autopsy reports of individuals apprehended in Iraq and Afghanistan. The documents show that detainees died during or after interrogations

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