In collaboration with Anastasia Tsioulcas and Hussein Rashid, I’ll be blogging as much as I’m able about the currently unfolding Muslim Voices Festival, co-organized by BAM and the Asia Society. Thank you, Anastasia, for your kind invitation and your kind words. Youssou N’Dour is at BAM tonight and tomorrow. I’ll be attending his film screening and show on Saturday and expect to be brought right back to Gorée Island and Dakar, where I heard him last February.

What a time for Muslim Voices, just after Obama in Cairo. Anastasia has her initial thoughts here and here. (And an intro, here.) I never thought I’d hear an American president articulate my own worldview pretty much to the letter.
Backdrop: My wife is nearing the high point of her pregnancy and there’s a great deal of work to be done on the home front. Plus, about a week ago I managed to open a wound on my head, requiring a rush to the ER and 12 staples in my scalp, while loading a cargo van in Philly. I’m fine, but ouch, and not exactly what I need as I try to meet my ongoing writing obligations. I will do my utmost to post reflections here and check in with the writing of my colleagues as well. But I won’t see nearly as many live shows as I should. My DVR box, however, will allow me a sustained look at the Muslim Voices documentaries airing on PBS. Schedule here.

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