Muslim Voices Festival


More Muslim Voices blogging

Worthwhile reading from my colleagues Anastasia and Hussein.


Sufism the answer?

Soon after watching “A Thousand and One Voices,” Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud’s absorbing if somewhat somber documentary on Sufi music, I came upon this Foreign Policy piece by Ali Eteraz, on Pakistan’s effort to promote Sufism as a counterweight to Talibanism. (Hat tip Adam LeBor.) Eteraz hates the idea: It signals an increase in the politicization of Islam in Pakistan — if

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Get down with your Sufi self

Anastasia mentioned the Aïssawa Sufi brotherhood, so I wanted to post my video from last year’s Fes festival. (Dig the E-flat harmonic minor mode.)


Muslim Voices

In collaboration with Anastasia Tsioulcas and Hussein Rashid, I’ll be blogging as much as I’m able about the currently unfolding Muslim Voices Festival, co-organized by BAM and the Asia Society. Thank you, Anastasia, for your kind invitation and your kind words. Youssou N’Dour is at BAM tonight and tomorrow. I’ll be attending his film screening and show on Saturday and

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