Lerterland readers will be familiar with my disdain for the Uhuru Movement, a revolutionary cult that enjoys the vocal support of the underground rap duo dead prez. I’m glad to see Ta-Nehisi Coates registering his disdain as well, now that Uhuru’s adherents are marching in support — in support — of Lovelle Mixon, the Oakland parolee shot dead by police last week after he murdered four officers in cold blood. Mixon stood accused of several rapes, including that of a 12-year-old girl. Uhuru protesters are wearing t-shirts with Mixon’s photo. Note: These are people who vilify President Obama as a black sellout at every opportunity.

I will not dispute that the Mixon incident took place against a backdrop of chronic police abuse in Oakland. That this doesn’t make Mixon a hero is so obvious it shouldn’t need to be said. In fact, trigger-happy criminals like Mixon are wreaking havoc in black communities across America. It’s important to note that the Uhuru Movement supports such criminals, openly and without apology, while pretending to represent law-abiding inner city residents, who are the first targets of criminal violence.

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