Cynthia McKinney ran for President in 2008 on the Green Party ticket, supposedly as a more progressive alternative to Barack Obama. She received endorsements from such radical left heroes as Noam Chomsky, Mumia Abu-Jamal and the rap group dead prez. Her running mate was hip-hop activist Rosa Clemente, who, like McKinney, is supposedly a promoter of justice for people of color.

The irony is that McKinney is a fellow traveler of the racist right. Adam Holland has a detailed account of McKinney’s congenial appearance on “The Information Underground,” an unabashedly racist internet radio show. McKinney did not blink at her interviewer’s references to people with “Jew nationality” and “Jew loyalties.”
Holland has also covered McKinney’s recycling of the antisemitic theories of Matthias Chang and her ties to other far-right crackpots and bottom-feeders. (Hat tip: Harry’s Place.)
I’ve said this before but it bears repeating: People on the radical left take it for granted that President Obama needs to live up to the principles of their movement. It’s the other way around. The radical left needs to live up to Obama’s principles. And with the elevation of Cynthia McKinney as a standard-bearer of third-party politics, it is failing miserably.

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