About two weeks ago I commented on a strange story in the NYT about a supposed political thaw in Burma. Frank Smithuis of Doctors Without Borders described the regime’s human rights record as “shaky” — a grotesque understatement — but said with a sneer that “it’s politically nice to beat up Burma.” Well, now the regime is putting Aung San Suu Kyi on trial, for the actions of some loopy supporter who swam to her compound on his own initiative. On top of that:

Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi was reported to be suffering from low blood pressure, dehydration and difficulty eating, the second time in a year that she has suffered similar symptoms.

Her condition improved after a doctor administered an intravenous drip, said Un Nyan Win, another of her lawyers. But her doctor was then also detained, apparently in connection with the intrusion.

One hopes for a swift denunciation from Smithuis, who, after all, represents a medical organization. But maybe that would be too “politically nice.”

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