Much is being said, and correctly so, about the right’s subtle and not-so-subtle enabling of armed wackos like James von Brunn. But may I repeat something I noted the other day? Cynthia McKinney, the 2008 presidential candidate of the Green Party, recently appeared on a racist radio program called The Information Underground, and she did not blink when her interviewer referred to people with “Jew nationality” and “Jew loyalties.” Indeed, she joined in with some blather about “monied interests.”

Think about it: This is the person the Green Party chose as its standard-bearer against Barack Obama.
As someone who hit the street gathering signatures on behalf of the Greens in the mid-’90s, I can’t tell you how much that disturbs me.
If you think that giving succor to conspiracy-mongering and Jew-hatred is the sole province of the right, you really ought to have a look at the fringe left. The key factor here, of course, is blind, bilious anti-Zionism.

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