It should be clear from this photo that I have entered a kind of parallel universe; I have begun the process of falling madly in love with my daughter, Tess. After just nine days, the child already looks subtly different. Development is underway. Tess has business to attend to, and she’s laying the groundwork, taking the necessary steps.

Even though I rarely view the world through a religious lens, I find myself wondering: from what vast and unknowable beyond did this little girl emerge? I think back on the moment of the birth itself, Tess’s split-second arrival into the room where I stood. It was like witnessing the beginning of time, and for Tess that’s exactly what it was. “Happy Birthday!” exclaimed our fantastic obstetrician. I’ll never hear those mundane words the same way again.
It’s been a bumpy ride so far, all the normal new-parent stuff. The details aren’t worth going into, trust me, and the emotional whirlwind is indescribable, so let me leave it at this: A huge salute to my parents and my in-laws, whose gestures of love and support can never be repaid. To all the family members and friends who have congratulated us, shared in our joy and helped welcome Tess as one of the very newest New Yorkers: thank you, a thousand times thank you.
And to my wife, Jennie, whose strength and courage in facing this great unknown will not cease to astound me. You are a phenomenon. And you have my heart, forever.

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