There’s nothing about the current healthcare reform “debate” I could say that hasn’t already been said, and said brilliantly, by Rachel Maddow and other liberal commentators. But I will say this about reform opponents showing up to Obama town halls with guns, including assault rifles, in recent days:

Right-wing ideologues, including members of Congress, can mouth all the platitudes they want about the Second Amendment. Before it is too late, we ought to call these armed displays exactly what they are: threats of violence against the President of the United States, and part of a long history of extremist agitation — much of it racially tinged — against progressive change.

One Comment

  1. Sara-
    October 12, 2009 at 6:35 pm

    I agree, my husband came home today and said you would have to turn in your guns to get health care the misinformation scheme is in full force and as a progressive it breaks my heart to see even my own husband repeat these idiotic lies.