Sanctimonious lefties, including such performers as David Byrne, have lent their signatures to an odious campaign to protest a series of Israeli films being shown at the Toronto International Film Festival. (Hat tip Ben Cohen.) One of the committee members is Naomi Klein, who debased herself as an apologist for the Mahdi Army in 2004. One of the signatories is John Pilger, who has referred to Barack Obama as a “glossy Uncle Tom” (apparently if you’re on the far fringe of the left you’re allowed to hurl racist epithets and still be a guest of honor on Amy Goodman). Pilger is a supporter of Hezbollah and the Iraqi insurgency, an apologist for Serb fascism and Palestinian suicide bombing and more recently the Iranian regime (supporting links here). No true progressive should want to be caught dead with their signature anywhere near Pilger’s. And yet here we have Jane Fonda, Alice Walker, Eve Ensler, Wallace Shawn, Danny Glover, Howard Zinn, Slavoj Zizek. Shame on them all.
Also fanning the flames in Toronto is the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. Here is an account of how PACBI actively works to sabotage peace efforts by such groups as One Voice.
Just to make it clear: Much as they fancy themselves beacons of moral excellence, Klein and her cohorts are working against peace in the Middle East.

One Comment

  1. Real estate in Toronto-
    September 7, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    The protest really surprised me. It is not really helping. All it can cause is worsening the relations with Israel.
