Chomsky hearts Hugo

If any one American has truly benefited from the First Amendment guarantee of free speech and the right to criticize the government openly and without retribution, it is Noam Chomsky, who continues to draw admiring crowds of listeners despite being a vastly overrated crank and shameless liar.

But during his latest trip south to kiss the ring and the behind of Hugo Chavez, Chomsky remarked that here in the U.S. we have “so-called freedom of expression.” In contrast, apparently, to the marvel of fair play and open discussion that is Chavez’s Venezuela. Marc Cooper dissects.
Yes, poor marginalized Prof. Chomsky, who once exercised his “so-called” freedom of speech to address cadets at West Point on the theory of just war. So cruelly shut out from the elite centers of power! So viciously hounded by the American military he bravely takes on! Chomsky was warmly presented with a framed photograph at the end of his lecture.
[Update: Thanks to Gene for the link and further comment.]

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