Mourning our dear Margot

Less than a month after the passing of our greyhound Angus, I am sick with grief to report the passing of his life companion Margot, our sweet yellow mutt, whose mounting depression in the last few weeks turned out to be something extremely serious. We’ll never know what it was exactly — probably an aggressive cancer that had been lurking, but then mercilessly destroyed her over the course of just 72 hours. She was only about seven years old. Ultimately, she lost the will to live. The dog we put down yesterday was not our baby; she was just a shell. And there is some peace in the thought that she and Angus are together again.

But we wake up now to the reality that both our beautiful dogs have been taken from us.


  1. Anonymous-
    September 25, 2009 at 6:54 pm

    Sorry for your loss, David. Pets are family members and it's very hard to have to say goodbye. I've buried too many pets over the years. Sucks. Take care.


  2. andeee*-
    September 25, 2009 at 7:24 pm

    Tough breaks, man. Very sorry to hear that.