Thank you to Bill Weinberg at World War 4 Report for picking up and supporting me on this Galloway business.

The responses in the comments section are instructive. For those taking notes, here’s lesson numero uno in Extremism 101: If you’re a raving anti-Semite, just make the politically correct noises about Palestine and you’ll be given a free pass by a lot of people on the far left.

**Update: Bill’s closing remark is worth quoting in full:

Why is it only posts about the Jews that spark these endless exchanges? I write about Nasa Indians in Colombia, Mapuches in Chile, Mayas in Chiapas, Armenians and Kurds in Turkey, Ismailis and Baluchis in Pakistan, Ahmadiyyas in Bangladesh, Mouros in Sri Lanka, Evenks in Siberia, Berbers in Algeria, Hassaniya in Western Sahara, Sardinians in Italy, Houmas in Louisiana—and not a word of reply from anybody. But heaven forbid I come to the defense of the Jews from hateful calumnies, and the whole world comes out of the woodwork to assail me. The only other such example is the Muslims of Bosnia. Why is that, I wonder?

It’s because Israeli Jews and Bosnian Muslims are perceived as beneficiaries of American power. Therefore it’s politically incorrect to utter anything in their defense. What’s more, it’s politically correct to impugn them. Kudos to Bill for calling out this nonsense and sticking to principle.

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