Not enough aid; racism rears its head

There has been an underwhelming charitable response to the Pakistan/Kashmir/India earthquake. I know it’s soon after Katrina but dig in your pockets and give, folks. The UN World Food Program is a good place to start.

At this point I will link to an anti-Hitchens site I don’t much care for—I disagree with Hitchens on plenty but “Christopher Hitchens Watch” tends to wallow in reverse O’Reillyism. However, they have rightly called out some of the commenters on Little Green Footballs for making disgusting, bigoted statements about the earthquake victims:

#50 Leper 10/9/2005 04:48PM PDT
The Muslims just had a 7.8 Ramadan celebration from Mother Earth. Hopefully they’ll have an 8.5 soon.

#54 whiterasta 10/9/2005 04:50PM PDT

Just being a member of the muslim death cult means one has diminished mental abilities.
I truly believe that islam is a manifestation of mental illness.

71 trigger girlie 10/8/2005 06:16PM PDT
Let’s see, how much money should I send to the people who want my country annihilated and my people dead?…Oh, wait, NONE!
Call me cold hearted, they are not getting my money. Unfortunately, I have to work with Pakis on a daily basis, and there’s nothing good about them.

This needs to be exposed and condemned. Just as anti-Zionists must never grant political legitimacy to anti-Semites who infiltrate their ranks, those of us who share Hitchens’s contempt for jihadism and its apologists must vocally denounce the kind of hate speech quoted above.

But actions speak louder than words. Give to earthquake relief.

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