Bad news for Galloway:

GEORGE Galloway, the staunchly anti-war British MP, will be investigated by the United States Department of Justice for claims he lied to the Senate over Iraq oil money, The Business can reveal.

The Charities Commission in England and Wales has also requested documents which the US Senate permanent sub-committee for investigations says prove that illegal Iraqi oil money was laundered through a charity of which Galloway was a trustee. A dossier is being sent to Sir Philip Mawer, Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, who has a far broader remit to protect the reputation of the House of Commons and is expected to look into Galloway’s conduct as an MP.

And here’s a comment from Greg Palast, the antiwar journalist whose courageous and principled stand against Galloway I have noted here and here. In a letter to the Workers’ Liberty site (replying to this), Palast writes:

As someone who went to jail during the Seventies protesting the criminality of Nixon and Kissinger, I find it embarrassing that anyone calling themselves “Left” could flippantly support Saddam’s monstrous Kissinger, Tariq Aziz who, with his Westernized upper-class manners and habits, charms us out of the fact that he was point-man, if not strategist, for murder of Kurds and other Iraqis by the thousands.

Today, American progressives demand Republicans denounce the criminal and immoral behavior of Karl Rove and Dick Cheney — which I’ve worked hard to expose. We cannot hope to support our positions if we morally mirror the Right.

(Hat tip and graphic: Harry’s)

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