Journalistic integrity

I have argued, and will continue until blue in the face, that the Iraqi insurgency is preying on Iraqis and is not the legit anti-imperialist force some on the left (Galloway, Arundhati Roy, etc.) take it for. Today, courtesy of David T at Harry’s Place, we have three news items:

The BBC — About 26,000 Iraqis have been either killed or injured in attacks by militants since January 2004, a report published by the Pentagon suggests.

The Telegraph — The United States military has for the first time admitted that it is keeping records of Iraqi deaths as it disclosed that it estimates 26,000 to have been killed or injured by insurgents since January last year.

The Guardian — Pentagon reports 26,000 Iraqi casualties in 2 years

Nowhere in the Guardian text (by Julian Borger) does it clarify that the report pins the 26,000 casualties on the insurgency.

**On the other hand, does this mean the Pentagon is in fact keeping track of Iraqi deaths since March 2003?

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