Kamm on Atzmon’s reply

UK blogger and columnist Oliver Kamm reacts to Gilad Atzmon’s reply [PDF] to my column [PDF] in Jazz Times.

Kamm also directs our attention to this piece at Al-Jazeerah, in which Atzmon endorses Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s call to wipe Israel off the map:

This isn’t to say that the Israeli people should be wiped out. As far as I am concerned, President Ahmadinejad was clearly referring to the state of Israel rather than its people.

“Clearly”? How was this clear? Atzmon continues:

Considering the crimes committed by the Zionist state, this is rather a fair and legitimate political comment.

We’re left to wonder whether Atzmon thinks, say, Sudan should be wiped off the map, “considering the crimes committed by the [Sudanese] state.” Or the Iranian or Iraqi state for that matter.

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