Items of interest, continued…

— Go here to read my review of Wadada Leo Smith’s 12/3 show in Philadelphia.

— I was planning to write something about “My Humps,” the god-awful song by the Black Eyed Peas that continues to eat away at my brain. Hua Hsu of Slate took the words right out of my mouth. The song “veers toward evil,” according to Hsu. Read more.

— Recent listens: Bruce Springsteen’s Devils & Dust and David Bowie’s Hunky Dory, both with incredibly produced acoustic guitar sounds. And Wave of Mutilation, a best-of from the Pixies, a terrific band that I regret not checking out when I was younger.

— Tina Fey, on last week’s Saturday Night Live, made a joke about those noise devices being used to drive away loitering teenagers. Punchline: Another name for the device is “jazz records.”

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