“Things get pretty similar”

Johann Hari has a great eyewitness report from a Holocaust denial conference in southern California in 2003. Money quote:

Another young delegate, Russ Gustavson, 22, from Portland, Oregon […] was good-looking and seemed rather charming – but then, in his disconcertingly mild-mannered and polite voice, he explained, “I’m on the far left – I’m a true socialist.” He admitted that it was, therefore, a bit weird for him to be here – “especially since my fiancée is black and all.” Hello? “Well,” he said, “you know, when you get to the far left or the far right, things get pretty similar. I have lots of friends who are neo-Nazis.”

Speaking of which, here’s an eyebrow-raising quote at Uruknet.info from Kurt Nimmo, who also contributes to the far-left Counterpunch:

Now that the “Notorious Holocaust Denier,” as the New York Times characterized David Irving, has pleaded guilty and faces three years in an Austrian prison for the crime of deviating from the official, Zionist-sanctioned and imposed history of the Second World War, we can expect triumphant ballyhoos from the Zionists, a screaming and obnoxious declaration of victory for the small outlaw nation of Israel and its endless blackmailing of millions of people who had nothing to do with Auschwitz and its discredited gas chambers.

(Hat tip: Judeosphere.)

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