Next Tuesday we go to the polls to elect New York’s next mayor. Although Mike Bloomberg is not nearly as odious a figure as torture advocate and police brutality enabler Rudy Giuliani, I’ll be voting for Bill Thompson.

I’m posting because I, along with all my fellow registered voters, have received a fairly comprehensive voter guide in the mail from the New York City Campaign Finance Board. There we find, among the fringe candidates for mayor, Francisca Villar of the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Leninist parent organization of the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition. What Ms. Villar won’t tell you is that the PSL supports the North Korean regime, to cite just one of its delusional stances.
We also find Daniel Fein of the Socialist Workers Party, who wants to:
…begin reorganizing society based on the needs of the vast majority, not profits for a few.

Cuban working people accomplished this 50 years ago by making a revolution that put an end to capitalist exploitation. The Cuban Revolution today remains an example for workers and farmers in this country and worldwide, which is why U.S. rulers hate and fear Cuba.
Using his constitutional right to run in a democratic election, Mr. Fein praises a government that has never permitted a democratic election and continues to criminalize all dissent. Adding irony to irony, the Campaign Finance Board, to its great credit, has delivered Mr. Fein’s disgusting and hypocritical nonsense to my mailbox, in an effort to disseminate all viewpoints, as is fitting and proper in a democracy. We all have a right and a duty to see what sort of cretins are running under what should be the noble banner of independent, third-party politics.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous-
    November 2, 2009 at 10:16 pm

    i'm voting for fulani. is she running?