“The real war dead”

Anjem Choudary, a UK-based Islamist agitator, is spearheading a protest march at Wootton Bassett, “where townspeople have lined the sidewalks since April 2007 to mourn the passing cortèges of British military casualties….” This counter-mourning demonstration will be, in Choudary’s words,

…”not in memory of the occupying and merciless British military, but rather the real war dead who have been shunned by the Western media and general public as they were and continue to be horrifically murdered in the name of democracy and freedom, the innocent Muslim men, women and children.”

And further:

“It is worth reminding those who are still not blinded by the media propaganda that Afghanistan is not a British town near Wootton Bassett but rather Muslim land which no one has the right to occupy, with a Muslim population who do not deserve their innocent men, women and children to be killed for political mileage and for the greedy interests of the oppressive U.S. and U.K. regimes.”

Choudary and his colleagues are not simply dishonoring Britain’s war dead, which has caused a justifiable uproar. They are also spreading disinformation and spitting on the very Afghan civilians in whose name they claim to act.
For some time, I’ve been citing statistics of the UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA), establishing that the Taliban and other insurgent forces were responsible for 59 percent of Afghan civilian casualties in the first six months of 2009. On December 29, UNAMA released updated figures accounting for civilian deaths through October. Not only has the aggregate number climbed — so has the percentage of insurgent-caused deaths. By my calculation that figure is now nearly 69 percent, an increase of nearly 10 percent in a mere four months.
Simply put, it is the Taliban and its allies who are “horrifically murdering innocent Muslim men, women and children” in the largest numbers by far. Not only do Choudary and his fellow marchers have nothing to say about this — they are in fact allies of the forces doing the killing. Their professed concern for the innocent is a fig leaf (not to mention a way of winning support from deluded leftists). What they’re actually upset about is the U.S. and UK fighting their jihadi allies abroad.

One Comment

  1. stripey7-
    January 15, 2010 at 1:01 am

    It's worth noting that another organization, British Muslims for Secular Democracy (bmsd dot org dot uk), is planning a counterprotest unless the provocative march is called off.