A bit of commentary, from Tad Hendrickson, Peter Hum and Chris Rich, sparked (at least in part) by my Matthew Shipp feature in JazzTimes.

It’s funny that a few commenters in this AAJ thread suggest I might have “cherry picked” Shipp’s quotes or pulled them out of context. The quotes are of course verbatim and fully contextual. Apart from that, I’ve said all I’m going to say on the matter.

One Comment

  1. Chris Rich-
    January 12, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Mr Adler, you did a perfectly excellent job and I'm confident you ran Mr. Shipp's contribution exactly as it was without cherry picking.

    He tends to send the decorum prone wheezebags into paroxysms of incredulity when he reaches for the grenades.

    I too have met this flat disbelief that he'd have such cheek and fielded accusations that I made it all up. Welcome to the club, it's a small one but pretty cool.