Regarding a recent post, Chris Kelsey issues a thoroughly patronizing reply that devolves into a personal attack. That’s cool, I started it. But I plead not guilty to misconstruing the meaning of “formally conventional.” Also, note Darcy James Argue’s comment under Chris’s post, in which he also takes issue with Chris’s evaluation of Hollenbeck. Other than that, I think Chris and I are shouting past each other on a few different levels, so I’ll pass on a further reply and move on.


  1. Tim Niland-
    January 30, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    David, is there any way to get you and Chris Kelsey to have a dialog or back or forth discussion that could be published on either or both blogs?

    I think you both have interesting points, and if you can move beyond any real or imagined antagonism, a dialog about this and other issues would be very interesting for jazz fans to read.

  2. David R. Adler-
    January 30, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    Thanks Tim – I'm certainly open to that in theory, although I have little time for it in practice, but who knows…