“Which is more egregious?” [McCain] asked reporters. “Reading a word from your hand or from a teleprompter?”

From this story on the increasingly odious John McCain and his bumbling, near-pitiable defense of Sarah Palin. (Hat tip Marc Cooper.)
I’m stating the obvious but I can’t help myself: President Obama, like his predecessors, and like Palin herself at the 2008 Republican Convention, uses a teleprompter when delivering lengthy prepared speeches. When Palin read crib notes from her hand, she was in an informal Q&A session — precisely the setting in which an informed candidate would not need crib notes. The equivalent situation would be for our current president to read notes scrawled on his hand during a White House press conference.
John McCain knows this to be so, and that makes his comment above all the more cynical, dishonest and disgraceful.

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