ICP in Philly (and New York)

In the new Philadelphia Weekly:

Instant Composers Pool Orchestra
Fri.-Sun., Apr. 1-3, 8pm. $12 ($30 three-night pass). Christ Church Neighborhood House, 20 N. American St. 215.922.1695 www.arsnovaworkshop.org

Founded in 1967, this Amsterdam-based tentet still boasts the keen, pranksterish talents of pianist Misha Mengelberg and drummer Han Bennink, the godfathers of Dutch progressive jazz. The group last came to Philly in March ’07; Mengelberg and Bennink returned in January ’08 for a quartet engagement with two likeminded Americans, trumpeter Dave Douglas and bassist Brad Jones. This weekend’s “Composer Portrait,” hosted by Ars Nova Workshop, will allow them to shake off the jet lag, settle into the surroundings and do their thing for three straight nights. All of jazz’s varied languages and methodologies will be fair game. Count on the fine players of the current ICP lineup — cellist Tristan Honsinger, reedist Ab Baars, trombonist Wolter Wierbos, more — to make each gig a new departure. — David R. Adler

(The ICP Orchestra plays Le Poisson Rouge in New York on March 31.)

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