At the risk of dignifying the shabby comment in response to my previous post, I’ll state for the record that I’m 100 percent opposed to any military strike on Iran. The women’s activists beaten on March 8 are among those who will abolish the rule of the clerics, in time. For Cheney & Co. to run amok right next door to the already disastrous Iraq would cause chaos, not to mention significant and entirely needless loss of life. For this and other reasons, it would be a massive setback for Iranian democracy advocates.

Meanwhile, at The Plank, Spencer Ackerman lays into Rumsfeld, who’s accusing the press of “inflaming the situation” in Iraq. I was very happy to see Jon Stewart pick up this thread on tonight’s (er, last night’s) “Daily Show.”

One cutaway to commercial on the Daily was astounding: For a good 10-15 seconds we heard Richard Nixon on tape, saying that Mexicans “at least have some concept of family life,” unlike “the Negroes,” who “live like dogs.” Are you listening, Ben Stein?

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