In my inbox is a notice from World Village-Harmonia Mundi: Saxophonist Gilad Atzmon “makes a rare appearance in New York City beginning May 5th and is available for interviews.” Oddly I see no gig schedule listed.

In any case I won’t be interviewing Atzmon during his visit, because I’m too busy interviewing musicians who don’t claim that the Jews provoked Hitler. And don’t hail Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And don’t garner praise from neo-Nazi David Duke, or write things that end up cross-posted at racist sites that proclaim “No Jews. Just Right.”

My point, and one I’ve made many times before, is that Gilad Atzmon is a Jew-hater — and far from the only one in the UK and elsewhere who’s found it helpful to drape himself in the Palestinian cause, or the fashionable rhetoric of anti-imperialism.

But of course there’s something different about Atzmon: He’s a musician, and a strong one at that. He insists that his music is intrinsically political. And this is therefore something that every New York music journalist planning to cover Atzmon needs to weigh carefully:

How does a man of such views claim the mantle of “cultural resistance” that is so bound up with the history of jazz? How can an apologist for the Iranian regime — an apologist for Nazi Germany — claim to be “fighting oppression of every kind”?

He gets away with it only if compliant journalists allow him.


  1. April 12, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    I hope he won’t infest upstate New York like he did on his last visit to the US.

  2. Jake-
    July 19, 2011 at 7:25 pm

    Thanks for this very wise piece. Atzmon is a pathological piece of hate. My theory is that he is so traumatized by what he saw in the JDF (which is more than understandable) that he, like so many other zealots and fanatics, did an extreme 180-degree turn and now can’t help but overcompensate. I am absolutely NOT trying to justify or condone his hateful thoughts or actions (the last thing I would ever do) but I am just putting forth my armchair-psychologist’s take on this sad matter. The sad matter of a hateful, self-hateful and pathetic human being (wrapped in the flesh of a genuinely good Charlie Parker imitator; oh the irony…)