I’m back writing previews for Philadelphia Weekly — this week’s entry below…

Helena Espvall/Marcia Bassett Duo
Sat., Jan. 7, 8pm. $6. With Fursaxa + Zaïmph. Highwire Gallery, 2040 Frankford Ave. museumfire.com

This ongoing series, curated by Fire Museum Records, has become a haven for local and visiting avant-gardists. To kick off 2012, the label welcomes Philly cellist/guitarist/vocalist Helena Espvall, whose music evokes the Arctic climes and austere expanses of her native Sweden. Marcia Bassett, of New York, brings a much freakier template of processed vocals and noise to the party. How will she play off of Espvall’s calm folkloric melodies and looped and layered legato cello? Only one way to find out. Tara Burke, another Espvall collaborator, is slated to appear with her Fursaxa project, and Bassett will venture a solo set under the moniker Zaïmph (a Flaubert reference). -David R. Adler

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