A startling resemblance

Here is the cover of The Independent’s Extra supplement, touting a piece by Robert Fisk on the U.S. pro-Israel lobby. Below it is an image produced by the neo-Nazi International Third Position. Now, some will accuse me of indulging in guilt by association, but it’s entirely fair to ask: Why doesn’t the anti-Zionist left take more care to distance itself from the outright antisemitism of the far right? (Harry’s Place for more.)

Fisk may well not be responsible for what appears on the cover of this periodical, as I know from recent experience. But here he is sounding off in Counterpunch, publisher of the antisemitic cranks Gilad Atzmon and Michael Neumann and apparent Holocaust doubter Kurt Nimmo. Note the title of Fisk’s article. (Hat tip: David Bloom.)

I have not read the famous Walt-Mearsheimer piece but I’ve followed the controversy, with its familiar themes of free speech and alleged silencing. Judeosphere has a good summary here. The W-M piece is here. Benny Morris’s rebuttal is here (sub-only).

[Update: Tony Judt’s NYT op-ed is worth reading too. So is Jeff Weintraub’s response.]

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